Aim: The aim of the FORTE EpiDem Network is to strengthen the position of Swedish register-based research, partly through increased knowledge and shared experiences regarding adequate scientific approaches and partly by forming new long-term partnerships between significant research groups in Epidemiology and Demography, both at junior and senior levels.
Format: The junior conference is intended as a chance for Ph.D. candidates to present their research to a group of peers and senior researchers, as well as a forum where a lasting network with others interested in similar topics can be developed. The conference encompasses a very broad range of research interests, and welcomes applicants from any of the social and medical sciences using register data to work on population issues (e.g. health, mortality, family, migration, labor market). The conference will be organized as a series of sessions where participants present their papers and receive comments from discussants as well as from other participants. All sessions will be in plenum, with focus on providing substantial constructive input into the papers presented.
Who is invited? The conference is primarily intended for Ph.D. students active within Scandinavian universities, but applicants from other countries are also welcome. The conference language will be English. Space is limited to a maximum of 12 participants to ensure adequate time to discuss each paper. A number of established senior researchers from universities throughout Scandinavia will be on hand to provide comments.
Cost: Participation in the conference is free of charge, and the network will cover accommodation and meals, but not travelling costs.
Participation is very limited. If you are interested in participating, please send your CV (max 1 page), an abstract of the paper you intend to present, and a short letter of recommendation from your supervisor to Siddartha [dot] Aradhya [at] sociology [dot] su [dot] se no later than February 23, 2024. Deadline for submission of final paper is March 28, 2024.