Lund Population Day 2020
Healthy Ageing
Lund Population Day 2020 will take place on September 24. It will be possible to attend either in person (Segerfalksalen, BMC, Lund - number of participants is limited to 30) or online.
Keynote lecture (11.00-12.00)
Why study active ageing and how? Professor Taina Rantanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland [Abstract]
Afternoon sessions (13.00-16.30)
To be old with intellectual disability. Magnus Sandberg, Lund University.
Is this ageism? Age as an organizing principle for distributing welfare services. Tove Harnett, Lund University.
Is there a direct causal effect of education on dementia? A Swedish natural experiment on 1.3 million individuals. Therese Nilsson, Lund University.
Extending Working Life: Experiences from Sweden. Haodong Qi, Malmö University.
Different life conditions of importance for an active life when becoming alone in old age. Ulla Melin Emilsson, Lund University
A public health perspective on housing accessibility for senior citizens: Estimating effects on group and population levels. Björn Slaug, Lund University.
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